Monday, October 27, 2014

Karinkin River

I miss swimming in our town's rivers. 
captured on cam by John Benedict Q. Pastrana

Look at the water, the place.

When you are used to swimming in rivers, you will learn to love the fresh and cold water. The water from Karinkin River flows from nearby springs of the mountains of Cordillera. 

captured on cam by John Benedict Q. Pastrana
Joy (in the middle) with her new pal April, and April's older sister

Some parts of the river are shallow. In some parts where the water meanders, it collects into deeper parts and provides pools deep enough for bathers.

I love to float gazing at the blue sky or let myself sink to the river's rocky bottom. I can't feel the same thing when I'm at the beach. The idea of swimming by the beach seems to scare me, what with all the sea creatures that may try to take a bite off me!

When I was younger, my swimming bodies and I used to jump off the improvised wooden bridges towards the fast current of the deep blue parts of the river in Gasgas. Some would climb the ar-o (pine) trees and jump from the highest branch they can reach ala-Tarzan. Some would do somersaults before their wiry bodies hit the cold water.

I did not witness any of those kinds of stunts however. Kids these days lack verve!

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